
I usually spend this day in a slow kind of fog. The end of the week brings this out of a lot of people who actually have jobs and such that take them Monday-Friday, but obviously I cannot claim the same. Fridays are  usually spent in a kind of bubble that contains Nim, books, my phone and DS, and myself. More often than not, I go for a walk, but only on Fridays. Again, weird, I know.

Today is somewhat darker, despite the weather and sunshine. I am still reeling from the news I got recently, about my friend once again trying to kill herself due to her mental illness. It sounds selfish, but it does have impact on me, despite not being the one who tried. I have known her for half my life. She was my first true friend after my first childhood one left the city. To see her in pain without any way to fix it kills me.

Honestly, this weekend is probably one spent with Terry at his apartment in pyjamas cuddling our cat Milo (and him, together or separate). Or, maybe I can find something to distract me outside of the city. A friend of mine mentioned an expo nearby…hmm…

I just wanted to post something today, so that everyone knows I am okay, and that I will keep everyone posted. :3

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