Voice of IBS-C, now live

Heya, guess what! I have another blog, one devoted to what I am sick with! And it happens to be here on WordPress!

The link is: http://ibschronicdepression.wordpress.com/2014/07/17/welcome-to-the-blog/

I now blog for WeAre1Voice, a community devoted to giving voices to women who are previously unheard or ignored. I was given the gracious opportunity to be this particular voice, and it is an honour I refuse to take lightly.

Thus, when I update there, I will be linking the posts here. That way, you can check it out if you want to, instead of being forced to read it when all you want to read is my whining and histrionics =P.

While you are there, please do not forget to support the fellow women who also are apart of the community!

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